The incidence, patterns, and prevention of wrong-site surgery sho

The incidence, patterns, and prevention of wrong-site surgery show that of approximately 2.8 million surgeries scrutinized from the years of 1985�C2004, one third of all errors began before the patient’s arrival at the hospital on the day of surgery [20]. Properly used checklists have been implemented presurgically to address wrong-site surgery that occurs every 0.09�C4.5 surgeries per 10,000 surgeries performed [9, 20].Six intervention hospitals in The Netherlands implemented a surgical patient safety system (SURPASS) checklist from October 2007 to March 2009 [8]. The checklist served to follow the surgical pathway from admission to discharge. Its implementation at these hospitals over 6�C9 months showed that complications per 100 patients decreased from 27.3 to 16.

7 and that in-hospital mortality decreased from 1.5% to 0.8%. Decision-making that relies on the results of a simple and research-tested checklist can avoid cognitive errors, and ultimately, medical mistakes [21, 22]. Checklists with defined target end points can be used to define clinical scenarios into a flow-chart-like picture and to generate a decision-making process tailored to the recorded information.7. Communication SkillsIneffective communication is responsible for up to 70% of medical errors and inadvertent patient harm [23, 24]. Implementing simulator-based training for Intensive Care Unit (ICU) staff has effectively improved team communication skills [25]. In a study of 152 members of ICU staff at a Swedish hospital, participants were administered an interprofessional team training program that created a need to talk, specifically regarding complex care situations.

Nurse self-reports revealed the program to be one of substantial value in addressing learned behaviors that can improve everyday work and contribute to better team collaboration. The study also recognized obstacles to successful Batimastat systemic implementation of SBT [26] as follows:shortage of staff, overtime for staff, demands for hospital beds,budget cuts,segregated meetings for nurses and physicians (scheduling constraints).These points must be addressed when implementing SBT curriculum as a sustainable, long-term solution for improving patient safety and increasing medical professional competency.8. Procedural Emergency ManagementOccasionally, anesthesiologists may encounter uncommon clinical scenarios, such as cerebral aneurysm rupture during delivery. Minimal postcertification exposure to uncommon events leads to inappropriate management when those complications do occur. More adequate training for rare medical encounters that includes simulator-based training integrated into the standardized medical education curriculum can provide necessary basic-skill training.

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