Because deer hunting is a highly frequent practice in New Caledonia both for leisure and subsistence and it can be assumed that hundreds of people are exposed to deer kidneys weekly (frequently bare foot and with no protective gloves), this Selleck Enzalutamide suggests that this strain is either poorly transmitted, as discussed in light of its genome reduction [26], or of low virulence to humans. We also identified a L. interrogans strain (cluster 5) that could not be related to any known reference strain. Though its secY sequence suggests that it could be related to known reference
strains (L. interrogans -formerly L. meyeri- sv. Perameles strain Bandicoot and L. interrogans sv. Hardjo strain Hardjoprajitno), the more precise MLST sequence polymorphism contradicts this identification. These strains could therefore correspond to a serovar not yet described. We directly Lazertinib purchase amplified two genes of the MLST scheme using extracts selleckchem from human clinical specimens with leptospiraemia of 200 leptospires per ml or higher. It might therefore be possible to conduct MLST studies directly from clinical specimens if selecting samples with leptospiraemia equal to or higher than 200/ml. Lastly, we demonstrated that the polymorphism of our lfb1 diagnostic PCR target is able to provide epidemiologically
relevant information, at least in a simple mammal biodiversity context as in New Caledonia. This approach was already proposed using another diagnostic PCR target, namely secY [9] that we also evaluated in our study. Using direct sequencing of leptospirosis diagnostic PCR products would partly offset the loss of epidemiological information resulting from the increased use of PCR in the early diagnosis of leptospirosis. This direct typing is currently used in New Caledonia, to better identify
the different reservoirs of these Leptospira strains. second The major mammal species are currently being sampled, in order to better decipher the circulation schemes and reservoirs and adapt prevention measures. Acknowledgements This study was co-funded by the French Ministry of Research and Technology, Institut Pasteur de Nouvelle-Calédonie, Institut Pasteur de Paris and the Direction des Affaires Sanitaires et Sociales de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. We thank the New Caledonian Veterinary Laboratory for kindly providing strains from deer (strains named “”LTDV”"). Thanks are due to the director and staff of the OCEF (“”Office Calédonien d’Entreposage Frigorifique”") slaughterhouse in Bourail for allowing us to collect and sample deer kidneys. The authors would also particularly like to acknowledge people in charge of the leptospirosis diagnosis at IPNC, namely L. Massenet, C. Manauté, S. Andruet, S. Laffont and F. Longepied under the authority of I. Lecuyer, Dr A. Guigon and Dr A-C. Gourinat.