As is
obvious in Figure 1, certain bee-associated clades include strains identified to the genus and species level (Table 2). Because these strains are bacterial OSI-906 cost isolates that selleck can be studied with regards to their metabolic capabilities (in some cases, their genome sequences have been completed, see ncbi accession #CP001562), we can begin to determine whether or not there are functional differences relevant in the classification of an organism as either “alpha-2.1” (Commensalibacter intestini) or “alpha-2.2” (Saccharibacter florica). For example, the pathogen Bartonella henselae sequence CP00156 (B. henselae) clades with the alpha-1 sequences (Figure 1),
a group that often is found in honey bee colonies although the fitness effects on the host are unclear. Additionally, the relevance of the taxonomic designation below the family level for these bee-specific groups remains to be determined. Table 2 Bacterial isolates with genus and species designations that clade within the bee-specific groups Bee-specific group Strain taxonomic designation Alpha-2.2 Saccharibacter florica strain S-877 Alpha-2.1 Commensalibacter intestini strain A911 Alpha-1 Bartonella grahamii Erastin molecular weight as4aup Firm-5 Lactobacillus apis strain 1 F1 These isolates, and their existing taxonomic information, may inform research into the function of the honey bee gut microbiota. Fine scale diversity
within the honey bee gut Using the RDP-NBC and the HBDB custom training sets, a large number of diverse sequences within the honey bee gut were classified in each of the honey bee specific families (Table 3). Although our classification schema does not designate different genera within bee-specific bacterial families, the schema can be used to explore the relevance of fine-scale diversity (at the OTU level) within the honey bee gut (as in [25]). The fine-scale diversity identified previously as present in genetically diverse colonies was found to exist within honey bee-specific bacterial families (Additional file 3), suggesting that host genetic diversity may play a role in shaping the Resveratrol diversity and composition of associated microflora in colonies. Table 3 Diversity of species and unique sequences found within honey bee microbiota Family Num. unique sequences OTUs (97% ID) Enterobacteriaceae 1621 175 gamma-1 436 48 beta 532 35 Bifidobacteriaceae 363 32 firm-5 929 32 firm-4 253 21 alpha-2.1 90 15 alpha-1 65 13 Lactobacilliaceae 86 12 Flavobacteriaceae 2 2 Leuconostocaceae 2 2 Moraxellaceae 6 2 Sphingomonadaceae 2 2 Xanthomonadaceae 2 2 Actinomycetaceae 1 1 Aeromonadaceae 1 1 alpha-2.