In order to fit the model consistently,
the total number of cells was included in all cases, even when for a given cell either the behavioral Z-VAD-FMK nmr states or the network oscillatory states were incomplete (LK20p, sleep data missing; TV21f LOSC data missing). We fitted a linear mixed effects model with restricted maximum likelihood estimation using the PROC MIXED procedure in SAS (v9.3) Yijk=μ+αi+βj+(αβ)ij+εijk,Yijk=μ+αi+βj+(αβ)ij+εijk,where Yijk is the observed firing rate or SWR-related spike count of cell k of cell type i during within-factor behavioral/network oscillatory state, j; μ is the overall mean firing rate or overall mean spike count, αi is the effect of cell type, i; βj is the effect of within-factor behavioral/network oscillatory state, j; (αβ)ij is the interaction effect between cell-type and within-factor behavioral/network oscillatory state, and εijk is random noise; all units are in Hz or counts. For simplicity, we defined the mixed model with compound symmetry as the correlation structure. This assumes similar variability between different cell types and equal correlation
between different behavioral/network oscillatory states. For post hoc pairwise comparisons within the same model, differences of least-squares means of cell types were calculated for each level MLN8237 ic50 of within-factors, the behavioral/network oscillatory states, and vice versa, and the statistical significances were assessed. No adjustments were performed for multiple comparisons due to the low number of cells. For all statistical methods used in this paper, p values and confidence Suplatast tosilate intervals were calculated according to α = 0.05. Note that SWR-related spike counts (countX) were normalized using the following calculation: log10(1 + countX). When performed using median number of action potentials per SWR, the model did not result in significantly different conclusions from those given by mean spike counts, which we report. We confirmed the predictions of the model using
one-way ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis tests (Table S1). One to three hours after cell labeling, cardiac perfusion with saline was followed by ∼20 min fixation (4% paraformaldehyde w/v, 15% saturated picric acid v/v, and 0.05% glutaraldehyde w/v in 0.1 M phosphate buffer at pH ∼7.2). All procedures, including transmitted light and fluorescence microscopic analyses were performed as reported in Lapray et al. (2012). Immunoreactivity in the recorded cells was assessed visually and compared to neighboring cells not labeled by neurobiotin. A positive signal in the recorded cell was accepted if the subcellular location (e.g., plasma membrane), pattern, and strength of the signal were similar to that in nonrecorded cells.