Samples were viewed with a Zeiss fluorescence microscope using ×400 magnification. The arrows indicate the cells stained with anti-hBD2 antibody. The percentage of stained cells was computed from triplicates of four
experiments. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different. +, presence; -, absence of Il-1β, A. fumigatus fixed organisms and latex beads. The punctuated localisation of the signal, which is concentrated adjacent to the nucleus (arrow), was observed. The data shown are representative of four independent experiments. Co-localisation of hBD-2 and different selleck inhibitor A. fumigatus morphotypes Previous experiments showed that human airway epithelial cells A549 internalised A. fumigatus conidia; a phagocytosis rate of 30% has been reported [30]. More then 50% of internalised conidia were found to co-localise after 24 hours with lysosomal
proteins, CD63 and LAMP-1, which revealed the maturation of late endosome into lysosomes [31]. Similar results were obtained with primary human nasal epithelial cells. Staining of the cells with antibody against LAMP-1 demonstrated a positive immunofluorescence signal around digested A. fumigatus conidia [32]. Using the method described by these authors, we determined if different A. fumigatus morphotypes were co-localised with intracellular hBD-2. Labelling A549 cells with anti-hBD-2 antibody revealed cytoplasmic distribution of peptides. Comparison Selleckchem INK-128 of the image of A549 cells stained by anti-hBD-2 antibody and the phase-contrast image revealed a positive immunofluorescence from signal around resting (Figure 8A, B) or swollen (Figure 8E, F) conidia. This suggests a co-localisation of hBD2 and digested RC or SC. In contrast, no positive immunofluorescence signal was detected around HF, whereas the cells were positively stained with anti-human hBD2 antibody (Figure 8I, J). The normal rabbit serum eFT508 purchase control labels neither cytoplasm nor A. fumigatus morphotypes (Figure 8C, D,
G, H, K, L). Similar results were obtained with 16 HBE cells. Figure 8 Co-localisation of hBD2 and A. fumigatus organisms. A549 cells were grown on cover slips for 16 h at 37°C. Cells were exposed to RC (A, B, C, D), SC (E, F, G, H) or HF (I, J, K, L) for 18 hours at 37°C. After fixation and permeabilisation, as described for Figure 7, cells were labelled with specific anti-hBD-2 antibody (A, B, E, F, I, J) and secondary antibody conjugated to Texas-red. Normal rabbit serum was used instead of anti-hBD2 as a negative control (C, D, G, H, K, L). Immunofluorescence signal (A, E, I, C, G, K) was compared to phase contrast image of the same cells (B, F, G, D, H, L). Arrows indicated different A. fumigatus morphotypes. Quantification of hBD2 in cells supernatants by sandwich ELISA In order determine if synthesized hBD2 was released to cell supernatants, the level of hBD2 in the supernatants of 16HBE, A549 and HNT primary culture cells was evaluated by sandwich-ELISA.