The geostrophic wind speed was multiplied by 0.6 and the wind direction was turned counter-clockwise by 15°. Although this
scheme ignores several details Seliciclib of the vertical structure of winds (Bumke & Hasse 1989), it has become increasingly popular in many contemporary studies of Baltic Sea dynamics (Laanemets et al. 2009, Myrberg et al. 2010). This forcing led to a good reproduction of the overall statistics of wave heights and periods, the seasonal course of waves and short-term (1–3 years) interannual variability in the wave heights (Räämet et al. 2010). The representation of the time series of wave properties was less satisfactory (Räämet et al. 2009) and quite large mismatches occurred in the course of measured and modelled annual mean wave heights (Soomere et al. 2011) as well as in long-term changes to the wave propagation direction
Talazoparib (Räämet et al. 2010). The quality of the WAM wave hindcast was checked against measured and observed wave statistics using three wind data sets (Räämet et al. 2009, Räämet & Soomere 2010a,b). MESAN wind (Häggmark et al. 2000) developed by the SMHI presents hourly gridded wind information with a spatial and temporal resolution of 22 × 22 km and 3 hours, respectively. It accounts to some extent for local wind variations in rough landscapes and coastal areas. Owing to the short temporal coverage (available since October 1996), this data was not suitable for climatological studies and was only used in model verification runs (Räämet et al. 2009, Räämet & Soomere 2010a). The wave properties were calculated over several windy weeks in 2001 and 2005 (Räämet & Soomere 2010b) using recently reanalysed wind fields developed by the European Centre
for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and kindly provided by Dr. Luigi Cavaleri and Dr. Luciana Bertotti. The spatial and temporal resolution of this data was 0.25° × 0.25° and 1 hour, respectively. The overall courses of the significant wave heights simulated with the use of these winds match each other well, but none of the forcings led to a clearly better reproduction of measured wave heights (Figure 2). A typical feature of all model runs is that several 3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase storms are almost perfectly reproduced, whereas for others the model almost totally fails. The largest mismatch occurred during certain extreme wave events. For example, all the models underestimated the extreme wave events on 7–9.01.2005 by two to three metres. The match between hindcasts using different wind sources and the measured data was found to be sensitive with respect to the particular location (Räämet et al. 2009). In the coastal areas of Sweden, simulations using MESAN winds led to a reasonable match of the modelled and measured wave properties, whereas the use of geostrophic winds caused wave heights to be underestimated by about 20%.