The Secretariat maintains the technical content of the ACIP website, including updating ACIP recommendations, meeting minutes, current immunization schedules for children and adults [4] and [5] and other key information. The Secretariat (primarily the Assistant to the Director for Immunization Policy) is responsible for the overall guidance of ACIP WGs, particularly the CDC Lead and the ACIP WG Chair for each WG. This ensures a cohesive, standardized approach on the part of each WG in terms of policies and procedures. The ACIP Steering Committee, which has responsibility Alisertib for
general operating policy, procedures, and related matters affecting the ACIP as a whole, comprises 15 members who represent the three CDC Centers that have activities related to vaccines and immunization, as well as the current ACIP Chair and
a representative from FDA. Four meetings of the ACIP Steering Committee are organized annually by the Secretariat: three for the development of ACIP meeting agendas and one for the selection of new members. The Secretariat provides comprehensive orientation and training to new ACIP members once they are selected and also fields requests for the appointment of new liaison organizations, preparing justification for their inclusion (or exclusion) to present to the ACIP Steering Committee. These requests are then submitted to the Secretary Selleckchem Fulvestrant of HHS if the organization is deemed appropriate for official designation as a liaison; final selection and appointment of liaison organizations is made by the Secretary of HHS. ACIP meeting agendas are
prepared by the ACIP Secretariat following deliberation by the ACIP Steering Committee. Approximately 10 weeks prior to an upcoming meeting, suggestions for meeting topics are solicited from the ACIP WGs, ACIP members, ex officio members and liaison representatives, and academic consultants. Meeting topics may include items that do not require a vote but are presented for informational purposes, such as data on vaccine-preventable disease epidemiology, vaccine efficacy, and updates on outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases. Presentation of data on new vaccines typically occurs at ACIP meetings starting at least 2 years in advance of vaccine licensure either by the FDA; this allows committee members to be fully informed about all aspects of the vaccine at the time a vote is taken following licensure. Agenda items are reviewed by the ACIP Secretariat and discussed in depth at a meeting of the ACIP Steering Committee held 7 weeks before the ACIP meeting, with finalization and distribution of the meeting agenda 6 weeks before each meeting. The Secretariat prepares material concerning new initiatives (e.g., standardization of the approach to presentation of economic analyses, development of an explicit evidence-based format to be used for ACIP recommendations) to present to the ACIP Steering Committee and CDC leadership.