We specifically Protein Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor tested the hypothesis that priming of positive and negative adjectives with affectively congruent click-tones (i.e. with CS− and CS+, respectively) would lead to shorter response latencies in the evaluative decision task than priming with incongruent CS (Hermans et al., 1994, 2002; Klauer & Musch,
2003; Spruyt et al., 2007). This hypothesis was based on the assumption that the stimulus’ valence is automatically activated upon its presentation and facilitates responses to affectively congruent and subsequently presented stimuli in the decision task. Stimulation in all parts of the study was delivered by means of Presentation software (version 12.1; Neurobehavioral Systems, Albany, CA, USA). During MEG measurement, subjects were seated in a magnetically
shielded and sound-attenuated room. Head coordinates were determined with three landmark coils fixed to the auditory canals and the nasion in order to match MEG data with anatomical information from structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. Air-conducted sounds were delivered through silicon tubes buy Olaparib and individually fitted silicon earpieces. MEG data was acquired with a 275-sensor whole-head MEG system (Omega 275; CTF Systems Inc., VSM MedTech, Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada) equipped with first-order axial SQUID gradiometers. The MEG was recorded continuously at a sampling rate of 1200 Hz and filtered online with a hardware low-pass filter of 300 Hz. For preprocessing and statistical analysis Mirabegron of MEG data, the Matlab-based (The MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA) EMEGS software (Peyk et al., 2011; freely available at www.emegs.org) was used. Offline responses were sampled down to 600 Hz and filtered with a 0.2–48 Hz band-pass filter. The continuously recorded signal was discretised into averaging epochs ranging from −200 to +600 ms relative to onset of the conditioned stimulus. The pre-stimulus baseline interval ranged from 150 ms before until stimulus onset. For single-trial data editing and artifact rejection, a method for statistical control of artifacts in dense-array MEG studies was applied (SCADS procedure; Junghöfer et al., 2000). Three subjects were excluded
from further data analysis due to inferior data quality (>20% of trials rejected). The axial gradiometers of the CTF-MEG system detect strongest amplitudes on both sides of an assumed underlying current dipole at the two extremes of the ingoing and outgoing radial magnetic field. Planar gradiometers, in contrast, measure the two orthogonal tangential derivatives of the field component (e.g. Rif et al., 1991). An RMS calculation of the two tangential derivatives results in a topography showing a maximum just above an assumed dipolar source. As it is always positive, the RMS of the planar gradiometers reduces the overall complexity of the topography at the expense of information regarding the spatial direction of the underlying generators.