We used find more Revman 5.0 for the meta-analysis (Copenhagen: The Nordic Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane Collaboration, 2008). Table 1 Participants Descriptive Characteristics by Case-Control Status, PROMEN Study, 1996-2001 Prostate Cancer Control Case two-tails n % n % p-value 110 80.88 26 19.12 Age 50-59 31 28.20 7 26.90 60-69 40 36.40 9 34.60 70-79 39 35.50 10 38.50 0,902 Race Black 4 3.60 1 White 106 96.0 25 1.000 Years of Education 8-13 66 60.00 16 Combretastatin A4 in vitro 61.50 14-18 44 40.00 10 38.50 1.00 BMI ≤ 25 25 22.90 6 23.10 25-30 55 50.50 11 42.30 ≥ 30 29 26.60 9 34.60 0.683 Waist circumference ≤ 97,50 56 51.40 10 38.50 >
97,50 53 48.60 16 61.50 0.279 Hip circumference ≤ 102,50 56 51.40 12 46.20 > 102,50 53 48.60 14 53.80 0.668 Waist to hip ratio ≤ 0,95 55 50.50 14 56.00 > 0,95 54 49.50 11 44.00 0.662 *BMI: body mass index expressed as weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters (kg/m2) In Table 2, we report crude and age-adjusted Pca risk SAHA HDAC molecular weight estimates in relation to tertiles of urinary estrogen metabolites and their ratio. The OR in the highest compared to the lowest tertile of 2-OHE1 was 0.72 (95% CI 0.25-2.10). Conversely, the odds in the highest tertile of 16α-OHE1 was 1.76 (95% CI 0.62-4.98). Finally, the 2-OHE1 to 16α-OHE1 ratio showed a non-significant risk reduction across tertiles (OR 0.56, 95% CI 0.19-1.68, in the highest tertile). When we tested the independent variables of interest for significance Resminostat in trends of associations, none of the models produced significant results.
Table 2 Crude and Adjusted Prostate Cancer Risk Estimates Cs/Coa Crude ORb 95% CIc Adjusted ORd 95% CIc 2OHE1 1st tertile ≤ 0.21 10/37 1 – - – 2nd tertile 0.21 – 2.26 9/37 0.90 0.33 -2.47 0.90 0.32-2.46 3rd tertile > 2.26 7/36 0.72 0.25 -2.10 0.69 0.23-2.03 trend 0.85 0.50-1.44 0.83 0.49-1.42 P for trend 0.55 0.50 16OHE1 1st tertile ≤ 61.84 7/37 1 – - – 2nd tertile 61.84 – 158.74 7/37 1.00 0.32 – 3.13 1.00 0.32-3.13 3rd tertile >158.74 12/36 1.76 0.62 – 4.98 1.73 0.58-5.14 trend 1.35 0.80-2.30 1.33 0.76-2.33 P for trend 0.26 0.31 2OHE1/16OHE1 1st tertile ≤ 0,31 11/37 1 – – 2nd tertile 0.31-1.64 9/37 0.82 0.30-2.21 0.80 0.30-2.17 3rd tertile > 1.64 6/36 0.56 0.19 – 1.68 0.57 0.19-1.71 trend 0.75 0.44-1.29 0.76 0.44-1.30 P for trend 0.30 0.