obliqua envenomation, the mechanisms involved in kidney disorders

obliqua envenomation, the mechanisms involved in kidney disorders are poorly understood ( Gamborgi et al., 2006). The current knowledge is based on clinical data from human victims in which hematuria, high levels of serum check details creatinine and acute tubular necrosis were described to be the main features of L. obliqua-induced AKI ( Burdmann et al., 1996). In our experimental model, in addition to the high levels of serum creatinine, the rats also displayed uremia and hyperuricemia, suggesting impaired renal function. Generally, the mechanism underlying venom-induced AKI is complex and appears to be multifactorial. Until now, studies performed with a variety of nephrotoxic

venoms have indicated that AKI is associated with both the direct cytotoxic action of the venom on renal structures and a secondary response of the whole organism resulting from systemic envenomation ( Abdulkader et al., 2008 and Berger et al., 2012). The secondary response is usually triggered by renal inflammation, oxidative damage and

the release of cytokines and vasoactive substances that lead to changes in renal function and hemodynamics. Hemolysis, rhabdomyolysis and/or the intravascular deposition of platelets and fibrin in the kidney microcirculation are also important contributors to this process ( Sitprija, 2006). Recently, high levels of uric acid were observed to play an important role in AKI induced by Crotalus envenomation, since the treatment with

allopurinol, a hypouricemiant agent, significantly reduced the lethality rate and ameliorated renal histopathological changes 5-FU order ( Frezzatti and Silveira, 2011). Marked hyperuricemia is known to cause AKI by the supersaturation, crystallization and deposition of urate crystals, as well as by contributing to renal vasoconstriction, since soluble uric acid has been shown to inhibit endothelial NO bioavailability ( Yamasaki et al., 2008 and Ejaz et al., 2007). During L. obliqua envenomation, the rats also presented high levels of uric acid, tubular obstructive casts and inflammatory infiltrates in the kidneys. However, the actual contribution of these elements to AKI requires further study. Interestingly, antivenom serotherapy was able to reduce creatinine and urea levels only if administered within 2 h of LOBE injection. Antivenom treatment after 6 h was unable to fully Baricitinib correct the renal parameters, despite its ability to normalize coagulation abnormalities. Thus, it seems that the time elapsed between the accident and the administration of antivenom is crucial for a successful renal therapy. Confirming our observations, it was demonstrated that a time interval of more than 2 h between the accident and administration of the antivenom was associated with the development of AKI, as well as with the risk of death or permanent injuries after Bothrops and Crotalus envenomation ( Otero et al., 2002 and Pinho et al., 2005).

The sleep analysis included overnight polysomnography, which docu

The sleep analysis included overnight polysomnography, which documented the sleep disturbances and severity of the OSAS according standard

criteria [1]. The investigation was performed with MEPAL (MAP, Medizin – Technologie, Martinsried, Germany) monitoring system. According to the known diagnostic standards, the minimal time for examination was 6 h. For the documentation of the sleep, we used standard 16–18 channel polysomnography, including electroencephalogram (C3–A2, C4–A1, O1–A2, O2–A1), electro-oculograms, electromyograms (EMG) of the left/right extremity, electrocardiogram (ECG), heart rate, nasal and oral air flow, thoracic and abdominal movements, registration of snoring, position of the body, pulseoxymetry-monitored BMN 673 concentration oxygen saturation (SaO2) and a polysomnography with video-watching. The sleep phases and arousals were analyzed in conformity with Rechtschaffen and Kales’ criteria [14]. All the results were analyzed manually. The breathing was registered by nasal cannulas and combined respiratory inductive

plethysmography, which uses composed signal and a thermistor. Apneas and hypopneas were evaluated in accordance with the accepted international criteria [1]. The apnea index (AI) was defined as the number of apneas per hour sleep while hypopnea index (HI) – the number of hypopneas buy SCR7 per 1 h sleep. The apnea/hypopnea index (AHI), combined the number of apnea and hypopnea per 1 h sleep. The index of desaturation was defined as episodes of O2 desaturation >3% per hour sleep compared to a stable basic value. The severity of

the sleep apnea was graded as: mild, with AHI 5–15 episodes of apnea and hypopnea per hour of sleep; moderate, with AHI 16–30 episodes of apnea and hypopnea per hour of sleep and severe, AHI more than 30 episodes of apnea and hypopnea per hour of sleep. The main arteries of the head were examined with color-coded duplex sonography using a 7.5 MHz transducer on Sonix SP (Canada). Real time B-mode imaging was used to measure the thickness of the intima CYTH4 media complex (IMT) of the carotid arteries (mm) with a standard method, using a program for automatic value averaging [2], [5], [17] and [18]. The rate of the stenosis was determined with the morphologic method in longitudinal and transversal slice of the examining vessel. They were categorized as: no observable stenosis (1–24%), low grade stenosis (25–49%), moderate stenosis (50–74%), high grade stenosis (75–99%) and thrombosis (100%) [3]. According to their structure the plaques were determined as homogeneous, heterogeneous, mixed and calcified. Their surfaces were evaluated as smooth (regular), rugged (irregular) or having cavities (more than 2 mm concaves and ulcers). Clinically, the plaques were characterized as stable (homogeneous, smooth and fibrous cover) and non-stable (heterogeneous, with inner hemorrhages and cholesterol spots) [1].

Cada endoscópio deve possuir um código

único de identific

Cada endoscópio deve possuir um código

único de identificação, e deve ser implementado um sistema específico para endoscópios vindos do exterior. O sistema de rastreabilidade deve ser avaliado regularmente (pelo menos uma vez por ano) para se assegurar da sua efetividade. O material (escovas, escovilhões, etc.) utilizado para a limpeza deve ser preferencialmente de uso único. Caso contrário, deve ser descontaminado após cada utilização de acordo com as indicações do fabricante. Cat IC e Cat II 1, 6, 8 and 9 A limpeza ultrassónica dos acessórios endoscópicos reutilizáveis e componentes dos endoscópios, com uma frequência superior a 30 kHz, deve ser utilizada para remover sujidade e material orgânico de áreas de difícil limpeza de acordo com as indicações dos fabricantes. Cat II 1 and 14 As pinças de biopsia e outros acessórios que têm a selleck chemical indicação para uso único devem ser descartados após a utilização. As pinças de biopsia e outros acessórios reutilizáveis que violam a barreira mucosa find more devem ser submetidos a uma limpeza mecânica com detergente enzimático e esterilizados (a desinfeção de nível elevado não é suficiente). Cat. IA 1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 14 and 20 Os frascos de água e os tubos conectores,

devem ser esterilizados ou submetidos a desinfeção de nível elevado de acordo com as indicações do fabricante. Os frascos de água devem ser esterilizados após cada sessão de endoscopia. A água utilizada nos frascos deve ser estéril. Cat. IB1, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 21 Deve existir um registo da manutenção preventiva e das reparações dos endoscópios de acordo com as instruções

do fabricante. Deve existir um registo da manutenção preventiva e reparações do RAE de acordo com as instruções do fabricante. O RAE deve ter um plano de manutenção. Deve existir um registo específico do plano de manutenção e desinfeção de qualquer sistema de purificação de água do RAE. Deve existir um registo da manutenção preventiva e reparações da tina ultrassónica de acordo com as instruções do fabricante. Deve existir um registo de higienização periódica do sistema do RAE. Deve existir um registo da manutenção preventiva e reparações dos armários de armazenamento de Phosphoglycerate kinase acordo com as instruções do fabricante. Deve existir evidência de que o RAE foi validado na instalação de acordo com as normas internacionais aplicáveis. O RAE deve ser revalidado se houver introdução de um desinfetante novo. Um profissional deve ser responsável pelos controlos diários, semanais, trimestrais e anuais de acordo com as normas europeias. Deve existir um profissional responsável pela análise regular dos resultados obtidos e a implementação de ações de melhoria quando indicado. Deve existir um plano de intervenção que define as medidas corretivas.

Niestety to rozumowanie ma słaby punkt, albowiem ustawodawca w Us

Niestety to rozumowanie ma słaby punkt, albowiem ustawodawca w Ustawie o ochronie zdrowia psychicznego wiąże możliwość stosowania środków przymusu bezpośredniego z „wykonywaniem czynności przewidzianych w niniejszej Antidiabetic Compound Library high throughput ustawie”. Jeżeli u pacjenta przebywającego w placówce niepsychiatrycznej stany agresji występują w przebiegu zaburzeń somatycznych, to

chociażby uzasadniały zastosowanie środka przymusu bezpośredniego, trudno mówić o wykonywaniu czynności przewidzianych w Ustawie o ochronie zdrowia psychicznego. Dodatkowo art. 18 Ustawy o ochronie zdrowia psychicznego jest oddzielony, w sensie normatywnym, od problematyki terapii ogólnej i niejako „ukryty” w specjalnej ustawie [9]. Ponadto zauważyć należy pewną niekonsekwencję ustawodawcy. W § 14 rozporządzenia w sprawie

sposobu stosowania i dokumentowania zastosowania przymusu bezpośredniego oraz dokonywania oceny zasadności jego zastosowania nakazuje się odnotowanie w historii choroby informacji o zastosowaniu środka przymusu bezpośredniego, jeżeli jego zastosowanie ma miejsce w innym podmiocie leczniczym niż szpital psychiatryczny. GDC-0973 solubility dmso To z kolei argument przemawiający za dopuszczalnością stosowania, w określonych sytuacjach, art. 18 Ustawy o ochronie zdrowia psychicznego, aczkolwiek regulacja wskazująca na możliwość stosowania środków przymusu bezpośredniego powinna wynikać z ustawy, nie zaś z aktu wykonawczego. Wsparciem dla powyższej argumentacji może być odniesienie do art. 26 § 1 Kodeksu karnego (k.k.) [22] określającego instytucję stanu wyższej Fenbendazole konieczności. Przepis ten stanowi, że nie popełnia przestępstwa, kto działa w celu uchylenia bezpośredniego niebezpieczeństwa grożącego jakiemukolwiek dobru chronionemu prawem, jeżeli niebezpieczeństwa nie można inaczej uniknąć, a dobro poświęcone przedstawia wartość niższą od dobra ratowanego. Są to regulacje, które określają okoliczność wyłączającą bezprawność i odpowiednio – winę. Część doktryny prawniczej uważa, że do tych

okoliczności należy bezpośredniość niebezpieczeństwa grożącego pacjentowi, działanie wyłącznie w celu uniknięcia tego niebezpieczeństwa, brak możliwości wyboru innego postępowania („niebezpieczeństwa nie można inaczej uniknąć”) [23]. Powołanie na ten przepis dodatkowo usprawiedliwiałoby zastosowanie środka przymusu bezpośredniego wobec małoletniego, który z powodu zaburzeń psychicznych w przebiegu choroby somatycznej nieświadomie realizuje zamach na własne życie. W niektórych sytuacjach można także powołać się na art. 30 Ustawy o zawodach lekarza i lekarza dentysty [24] nakazujący lekarzowi niesienie pomocy w każdym przypadku niecierpiącym zwłoki oraz w zakresie kolizji obowiązków do art. 26 § 5 k.k. W art. 26 § 5 Kodeksu karnego ustawodawca uregulował wyraźnie szczególną sytuację, gdy spośród ciążących na sprawcy obowiązków tylko jeden może być spełniony (np.

However, all of us clearly know that this amount of blood corresp

However, all of us clearly know that this amount of blood corresponds to a depletion of about 200 mg of iron, and that repetitive donation may lead to iron deficiency with or without anemia. The problem Panobinostat molecular weight of iron deficiency

without anemia (IDWA) is a difficult one [10], [11] and [12]. Nevertheless, it should be addressed by physicians involved in blood collection. Inversely, blood donation is an accepted approach to control iron overload, if the patient corresponds to the many criteria that are in place to select blood donors. Therefore, the ultimate development will be the production of “ironomic” tools that will allow us to rapidly identify who are the individuals able to produce enough red blood cells without developing Onalespib datasheet iron deficiency after blood donation, or inversely, who will be protected from iron toxicity by regular blood donation. Iron deficiency anemia is a well-known disorder with guidelines clearly establishing assessment, investigation and treatment [13]. It is a major health problem, and iron deficiency anemia ranks number 15 when evaluated in terms of DALYs (disability-adjusted life-years) [14]. IDWA is still a controversial subject particularly regarding

its clinical impact and physiological consequences. Iron deficiency affects not only erythropoiesis but also cellular functions involving the immune system, neurotransmitters, DNA synthesis and mitochondrial function [15]. Muscle function, fatigue and effect on attention and cognition are classic features of iron deficiency anemia even though a recent meta-analysis showed a modest effect of iron supplementation on attention and concentration [16]. However most studies included in this meta-analysis

were underpowered. In the absence of anemia the association between fatigue and IDWA is still unclear particularly considering the effectiveness of iron supplementation. This question is important considering the high prevalence of iron deficiency without anemia in a French study [17] and in the United States [18]. Several randomized control Ixazomib trials have shown a positive effect of iron supplementation on fatigue [10], [12] and [19]. However, the difficulty of blinding is an important issue because of the effect of iron on stool color. Administering intravenous iron in a placebo controlled randomized clinical trial is probably the best design and Krayenbühl et al. in a subgroup analysis have shown an improvement in fatigue in IDWA women (ferritin below 15 μg/L). However the study with 90 participants was too underpowered to show a statistically significant effect on the whole group (ferritin below 50 μg/L). Furthermore the question of improving quality of life is still an unsolved issue. A new ongoing multicenter randomized controlled trial with intravenous iron not yet published but presented in a conference showed a positive effect on fatigue and quality of life [20].

The models resulting from such synthesis have revealed many novel

The models resulting from such synthesis have revealed many novel insights into heart morphogenesis and, by extrapolation to humans, have shed light on the likely origins of several cardiac malformations. Generating accurate 3D models of complex structures such as the embryonic heart is an age-old problem, initially addressed over a century ago using camera lucida techniques with microtome sections as the basis for wax models. Despite the many advances in imaging technologies including 3D imaging modalities that have transformed medical diagnosis, adapting these to analyse in the

millimetre range necessary for embryos has proved challenging. As yet, neither magnetic resonance imaging nor the various tomographic methods Selinexor chemical structure (such as OPT and CT) can provide the resolution required to accurately model the changing morphology of the mouse heart over the course of embryonic development. The modern counterpart to the plate modelling of such nineteenth century pioneers as Born, His and Ziegler [1, 2 and 3] remains remarkably similar: computer-based 3D rendering using realigned images of histological tissue sections. Paradoxically, learn more although images of histological sections are unmatched in the extraordinary detail of tissue and cellular architecture they can reveal, much

of this is lost from the 3D models produced by realigning sequential section images. This is a consequence of the variable and unpredictable distortions produced by tissue sectioning and staining and attempts to overcome this through choice of embedding medium, the inclusion of fiduciary markers or by computation have had only limited success [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11•, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17]. Episcopic 3D imaging methods provide a solution to this problem, replacing individual section

images with images of the embedded tissue block face [18•, 19•, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24]. High-resolution episcopic microscopy (HREM) has proved the most effective of these, using the simple expedient of fluorescent dyes in the plastic embedding medium to obtain very detailed greyscale images from PTK6 a wide range of biological tissues and optical magnifications [25••]. For this reason it is particularly well suited to provide accurate data sets with which to explore the changing morphology of the developing heart (Figure 1a). Automation of a relatively rapid image capture cycle and the ability to choose inter-image distances as little as 1 μm with HREM equipment have several important benefits. Firstly, it is practical to analyse large numbers of samples. This is particularly helpful for analysing subtle or rapid developmental changes that make analysis of cardiac morphogenesis so challenging.

, 1990, Azevedo et al , 2002, Leal and Soares, 2004, Falconer and

, 1990, Azevedo et al., 2002, Leal and Soares, 2004, Falconer and Humpage, 2005, Andrinolo et al., 2008 and Funari and Testai, 2008). Independently of the exposure route MCYST-LR preferentially reaches the liver and can also be detect in several organs including lungs (Wang et al., 2008). Recently, our group reported the use of an anti-inflammatory Selleck LY2109761 drug candidate, LASSBio 596, to treat the pulmonary damage induced by the acute exposure to MCYST-LR. This compound was designed as an agent that modulates TNF-α and inhibits phosphodiesterases (PDEs) (Lima et al., 2002). Briefly, the intraperitoneal administration of LASSBio 596 avoided most of the pulmonary

structural and functional damages, exhibiting a better outcome than dexamethasone. However, both LY2835219 manufacturer treatments were not effective to avert the liver structural damage (Carvalho et al., 2010). Even though the pharmacokinetics of LASSBio 596 has been described (Rocco et al., 2010), its therapeutic effects on by oral administration are so far unknown. Considering that the intraperitoneal route is not often used in clinical practice and that the treatments did not show effective for liver changes,

an investigation about the therapeutic effects of orally administered LASSBio 596 on pulmonary and hepatic changes seems relevant and could establish the potential of LASSBio 596 as a drug candidate for the treatment of the systemic damage induced by microcystin-LR. Thus, in the present study, we aimed to evaluate the efficacy of LASSBio 596 per os in the treatment of pulmonary and hepatic damage in mice acutely exposed to MCYST-LR. For such purpose pulmonary mechanics, morphology and inflammatory cells influx, as well as the levels of pro-inflammatory mediators both in lungs and liver tissues, were assessed. The present study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Health Sciences Center, Federal University

of Rio de Janeiro (Protocol IBCCF 012). All animals received humane care according to the “Principles of Laboratory Animal Care” formulated by the National Society for Medical Research and the “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals” by the National Academy of Sciences, USA. Twenty-six Swiss mice (35–40 g) were purchased from the animal facilities of the University of Campinas (CMIB/UNICAMP). They were randomly divided MycoClean Mycoplasma Removal Kit into 3 groups: In the control group, 40 μl of sterile saline solution (0.9% NaCl, CTRL, n = 8) were intraperitoneally (i.p.) injected, whereas in the other two groups a sub-lethal dose of MCYST-LR (40 μg/kg i.p., purified material kindly provided by Professor Wayne Carmichael, Wright State University, Dayton, OH, USA) was administered. After 6 h, CTRL, TOX (n = 8), and LASS (n = 10) mice received per os 60 μl of a solution composed by 57.5 μl of sterile saline and 2.5 μl of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO); in the latter group the solution contained 50 mg/kg of LASSBio 596.

It also became clear that Nina had found an adequate object to re

It also became clear that Nina had found an adequate object to realize her analytic capacity: microarthropods – a group rich in diversity and numerous in any soil but oddly, a poorly explored component of soil community. Soon she became a well-known expert in microarthropods (especially in collembolans), which remained henceforward her main study group and experimental tool.

From 1960, for more than 50 years, the research and teaching activities of Nina Chernova were associated with the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry of MSPU where she moved from being a junior researcher to Professor at the Chair of Zoology and Darwinism. She developed and taught courses of general ecology, evolution theory and biosphere evolution to many generations of MSPU students and students from other Moscow universities, and diligently improved her lectures keeping up-to-date with the latest developments in science. Rumours suggest that selleck chemicals llc she taught and examined more than 3000 students! Even more students and teachers used Professor Chernova’s textbooks on ecology and her recommendations on teaching methodology for ecology and evolution courses. At the same time, she actively continued her research thus increasing her scientific legacy to 4 books and more than 200 papers in Russian and European

Afatinib journals. Her habilitation thesis and the masterpiece monograph “Ecological successions in the course of decomposition of plant remains” (1977) uncovered general patterns of animal community development during the decomposition of various types of natural and anthropogenic organic

materials and therefore, made a valuable contribution to the theory of community succession. Her analysis permitted the prediction of the direction and sequence Ribonucleotide reductase of successional changes as they vary with substrate, environmental conditions and animal group involved. In the 1970s, Professor Chernova consolidated a large group of USSR researchers involved in investigations on Collembola. For the next several decades, she directed and coordinated various aspects of Collembola research, from wide-scale faunistic studies to sophisticated laboratory experiments on trophic ecology or individual behaviour. Due to these efforts, Moscow became one of the world’s renowned collembological centres with a cohort of first-class specialists. This has led to high-quality scientific publications including a continued series of key-books, that summarise taxonomical and ecological knowledge on Collembola of Russia and adjacent countries. The creative atmosphere around Professor Chernova stimulated active research; a year would rarely pass without a PhD thesis defended under her supervision or tutorship. In total, over 40 PhDs and habilitations and numerous diploma manuscripts were prepared under her guidance by researchers all over Russia.

It is also important to ensure that current monitoring stations a

It is also important to ensure that current monitoring stations are not moved geographically, since this can cause data-harmonizing problems. It is also vital to have good quality observational data for model development to be able to improve models and their predictive ability. The CHIR-99021 mouse number of observations in the Baltic Sea has varied substantially over time, and the spatial area covered also varies significantly with a relative under-sampling

of the northern and coastal parts of the Baltic. This has an impact on the reliability of environmental assessments ( Pyhälä et al., 2013), model evaluations, and can also influence the predictive capacities of models, especially since initial conditions, data assimilations and reanalysis are effective tools to improve model capabilities ( Liu et al., 2013). Models can also be used to help designing monitoring programs, both through dynamical models and available interpolating software, which are suitable to handle large data sets that are inhomogeneous, noisy and irregular in time and space. One example is DIVA –

Data Interpolating Variational Analysis for North and Baltic Seas used in the projects Seadatanet2 and EMODnet (http://www.seadatanet.org), where basic quality control and identification of bad data is performed as well as creating regional climatology and error maps, that can help to identify the accuracy of the observations in relation to their distribution and frequency, and thereby help to identify PF-02341066 cell line gaps in the monitoring programs. International collaboration should also be ensured in order to ensure cost

efficiency, spatial and temporal cover and data consistency. One example is the Global Ocean Acidification Network (http://www.goa-on.org/) which aims to provide measurements for management while also delivering scientific knowledge and provides common protocols for sampling and experiments, databases and synthesis products. Thalidomide Another important aspect is the publication and long-term accessibility of the generated data which also needs to have been thoroughly reviewed, validated, corrected and provided with adequate meta-data which describes origin of data, locations for observation, measuring instruments, data generation techniques and preferably estimates of data quality and uncertainty ranges (see e.g. Ma et al., 2014). Also gridded data and development gridded climatology generation techniques will aid climate-change detection and attribution. It is important to have standards for documentation and publication of data and how to best share data as well as long-term storage so that vital data is not lost.

We can propose that neurons are damaged and probably they are in

We can propose that neurons are damaged and probably they are in death process. Thus, astrocytes could have become activated in response to neuronal damage early after (PhTe)2 injection. In this context, the neuronal damage showed by immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry in the striatum could support the accentuated vacuolization of cellular bodies of rat brain after in vivo exposure to (PhTe)2, reported by Maciel et al. (2000).

Consistent with the pro-apoptotic effect of (PhTe)2 on striatal neurons, we found a prominent increase of GFAP and vimentin selleck inhibitor expression apparent at 6 days post injection, which suggest that, at least at this time, cells were reactive astrocytes. Astrogliosis is the normal physiological response essential for damage containment. However, it can also have detrimental effects on neuronal survival and axon regeneration, particularly in neurodegenerative insults. It is believed that progressive changes in astrocytes as they become reactive are finely regulated by complex intercellular and intracellular signaling mechanisms. Reports describing whether the MAPK pathways are upregulated in astrocytes in vivo are mixed. Nonetheless, increased phosphorylation level of Erk and/or p38MAPK takes part in the response of astrocytes to insults ( Ito et al., 2009). Although the evident complexity involving

the participation of these signaling mechanisms this website in reactive astrogliosis, different Cell Penetrating Peptide components of MAPK signaling are activated under distinct pathological conditions and in different cell types, which may indicate a common mechanism. Thus, the activation of MAPKs detected in the striatum of acutely treated rats could be associated with the program of astrogliosis detected in our experimental condition. In the present study we demonstrate that the neurotoxicant (PhTe)2 administered s.c. is able to elicit a cell response through misregulation of signaling mechanisms attaining neural cells in the striatum of young rats. At present we do not know if the effect of the neurotoxicant is directly on

the neural cell or if it is a consequence of the activation of other stress responses, like neuroinflammation. Further studies will be necessary to clarify this point. Taking into account the present results, the proposed mechanism for the action of (PhTe)2 in the striatum of young rats is summarized in Fig. 9. We think these results shed light into the mechanisms of (PhTe)2-induced neurodegeneration in rat striatum, evidencing a critical role for the PKA, MAPK and Akt signaling pathways causing disruption of cytoskeletal homeostasis, which could be related with apoptotic neuronal death and astrogliosis. The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest. This work was supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS), PRONEX and Propesq-UFRGS.